Family Pic

Family Pic

Friday, January 24, 2014

Life Continues Forward....

Well since the last post we are continuing to prepare for launch with support raising, Lord willing, in February. We pray that the Lord is preparing hearts that are willing to partner with us in our ministry to the Ecuadorians. Our presentation of our mission and vision is almost complete and we are very excited about it. Why? Because we will be living this out in Ecuador!!

 From one generation to another may our God be glorified.

Our mission statement is below:

Our mission is for the peoples of Ecuador to know God's way and salvation, so that, they may praise Him.
We understand and fully believe ALL authority in heaven and earth has been given to Jesus Christ and in that authority we are going to make disciples. We want to entrust the Gospel to faithful men who will be able to teach others and make the manifold wisdom of God known. We will proclaim Him, teaching all men and admonishing all men, in all wisdom, so that, we may present all men complete in Christ.

Looking forward:

May God provide us faithful men who will be able to teach others!

Looking unto HIM


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